NEW DELHI: To encourage use of waste plastic on National Highways (NHs), Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has issued guidelines for its use within 50 km periphery of urban areas having population of more than five lakh. The guidelines also stipulate taking up of a stretch of at least 10 km as pilot project for assessment of its performance.
Moreover, the Government has decided that in 2019-20 the Swachhata Hi Seva Campaign (SHS) will focus on plastic waste management as main theme, wherein instructions have been issued for collection and re-use of waste plastic. This includes awareness generation, recycling, effective disposal of collected plastic waste including its usage in road construction.
Waste plastic has already been utilised in wearing course of about 50 km of NH stretches. Indian Roads Congress (IRC) has formulated IRC SP: 98:2013 “Guidelines for the use of Waste Plastic in Hot Bituminous Mixes (Dry process) in Wearing Courses” based on laboratory as well as field performance studies/investigations carried out in India. As per IRC SP: 98: 2013, plastic waste is used up to 8 percent by weight of bitumen in the bituminous wearing course and as per mix design requirement.